A VO2 max test ($100.00) is a maximal exercise test that measures how much oxygen you use while exercising. The test is performed on a treadmill or bike while connected to a machine that analyzes your expired air.

The test involves:

  • Hooking yourself up to a mask and a heart rate monitor
  • Walking or jogging on the treadmill until you are physically exhausted
  • Gradually increasing the speed and/or incline every three minutes
  • Building to your maximum effort over 10-20 minutes

The test provides data on:

  • How much oxygen you use as you exercise
  • The maximal oxygen you can consume during exercise
  • Your maximum heart rate
  • Information about training zones and how the body burns calories, carbohydrates, and fat

Oxygen transportation and utilization are considered a key determining factor in an athlete’s endurance capacity. The MOXY Monitor provides real-time information about the metabolic state of the muscle. Athletes can use muscle oxygen information to more precisely guide their training intensity, zones and to monitor the improvements in their muscle oxidative capacity.

The MOXY Sensor is the heart of the MOXY Monitor System. It’s light emitting diodes and photodetectors together create the spectrometer that makes Saturated Muscle Oxygen (SmO2) measurement possible.

FTP + MOXY: $95.00

The athlete will be required to perform two physiological tests separated by a minimum of 48 hours (pending scheduling). FTP stands for Functional Threshold Power, which is commonly defined as the highest average power you can sustain for an hour, measured in watts. FTP is often used to determine training zones when using a power meter and to measure improvement. Once the FTP test is done we use that measurement to define our MOXY test to correlate zones. FTP is not required but is beneficial to know. We can do the test without the FTP test but will be using estimated metrics.

MOXY: $65.00

If you know your FTP then we get on the bike and ride. The MOXY test usually takes 25-30 minutes based on fitness.

Test Instructions: IMPORTANT: all athletes will be required to begin the test WITHOUT warming up. It is important to capture the warm-up as a part of this test. The athlete should pedal at their natural cadence for each power level.